All your seafood favorites in one place...
Fried Calamari (P 375 Regular Portion), crispy, breaded squid drizzled with herbs and served with tartar sauce. Perfectly crisp, just squeeze a little lemon to round out the flavors.
Steamed Mussels in Pico de Gallo (P 545), one of Chef Josh Boutwood's newest dishes for Fish & Co, with juicy and plump mussels with fresh and tangy tomatoes, herbs and chili. The cilantro and pico de gallo add a tangy and zesty note to the fresh mussels, playing well with the briny broth.
The chili pumps up the flavor, adding a layer of heat that complements the tangy pico de gallo. And don't forget to mop up some of the broth with the bread...
Spaghetti Marinara (P 335), generously loaded prawns, fish cubes, and Chilean mussels in a rich flavorful tomato-basil sauce topped with cheese. A comforting seafood pasta with rich, rustic flavors.
Peri-Peri Prawns (P 495), grilled prawns with peri-peri sauce, served with buttered vegetables and seafood rice. A meal in itself, the spicy peri-peri sauce adds a flavorful punch to the prawns. Fish & Co also offers a variety of chicken, pork and beef dishes, just in case. But it's the seafood that takes centerstage at Fish & Co. And with an extensive variety of seafood dishes to choose from, you can't go wrong at Fish & Co.
Fish & Co is located at Unit 4011-4012, Trinoma Mall, Edsa corner North Avenue, Pag-Asa, Quezon City.
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Fish & Co is located at Unit 4011-4012, Trinoma Mall, Edsa corner North Avenue, Pag-Asa, Quezon City.
Dude for Food is now on Facebook, check out the Facebook Page for regular updates on good eats. Better yet, click "Like" and enjoy the ride...just look for the FB "Like" widget on the right sidebar.