Jigglypuff, Snorlax, and Pikachu...gotta eat 'em all at Boulangerie22.
Finding that elusive Pokemon can be a real challenge. But at Boulangerie22, tracking one down is a sinfully indulgent and flavorful adventure. Change the game and the flavor of the hunt with Boulangerie22's new Pokemon Cake Collection...
Boulangerie22 introduces its new Pokemon Cake Collection featuring your favorite pocket monsters. Choose from the Pikachu Chocolate Cake (P 699), a rich chocolate chiffon with chocolate fudge and chocolate chips, the Jigglypuff Strawberry Cake (P 699), a decadent vanilla chiffon with real strawberries in strawberry buttercream; and the Snorlax Peanut Butter Chocolate Cake (P 799), a rich blend of chocolate chiffon with peanut butter buttercream and chocolate chips. The Pikachu Chocolate Cake gives you a triple dose of pure chocolate love with chiffon, fudge and chips, just the way I like it. And that's just the first batch, with more Pokemon-themed cakes to come. And if you still can't satisfy your Pokemon cravings, Boulangerie22 also offers tasty Macarons with Pokemon-themed designs in six flavors like the Cherry-flavored Jigglypuff, Slopoke, and Clefairy; Chocolate Diglet, Riachu, and Evee; Grape Dratini, Poliwag, and Vaporean; Green Apple Balbasur and Squirtle; Maple Charmander and Jolteon; and Vanilla Pikachu and Snorlax. Form your own Pokemon squad and take home a box of five macarons (P 195).
The rich creamy notes of the coffee are just what you need for your next Pokemon adventure. The comforting flavors of the Italian Spaghetti Bolognese and the sharp yet refreshing notes of the Lemonade recharges you for the next Pokemon hunt. After a satisfying meal, time to bring Pikachu home...
The hunt leads you to Boulangerie22's chillers. And there it is, the very last one in Boulangerie22's chillers. And just like the thrill of the hunt, you seize the moment and grab it. But don't worry, Boulangerie22 will soon be offering a second batch of these adorable pocket monsters...
Gotcha. One last look before the friendly staff securely packs it in a box, and I got my Pikachu. Jigglypuff and Snorlax, you're next. You just gotta eat 'em all...at Boulangerie22.
Boulangerie22 is located at the Ground Floor of One Legaspi Park, Rada Street corner Rodriguez and legaspi Streets, Makati or call (02) 801-6597 for inquiries. You can also visit their FB Page for more updates at https://www.facebook.com/boulangerie22/
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